How are you maintaining your health and fitness in self-isolation or lockdown?

How are you maintaining your health and fitness in self-isolation or lockdown?

Throughout my life, I had a simple rule.

Take a shower before stepping outside the house.

Under odd circumstances, I spend the entire weekend inside and do not bathe for 2 days. Not a big deal. I live in a very dry state, you don't sweat at all.
Health and fitness

I do not even need to exercise because I practice on my feet for about 10-12 hours per day.

But then it became coronavirus and everything changed.

So I made 2 rules:

Wake up in the morning, take a bath, do some stretching, do light exercise or make funny videos with your roommate. Be active for at least one hour in the morning.

Do not eat more than I usually do. Most of the people get bored sitting at home and just keep getting angry. I made sure that I did not have extra food and my way of eating remained the same.
This week my online seminars started and I didn't take any time to get bored.

So all is fine for now.

Almost back to your normal routine.

Let us see how long it lasts.

PS These are difficult and stressful times. I don't think we should be too harsh on ourselves. If we live through this health, we can always go back to our weight and hard-core workouts.

Fitness helps to increase immunity, but it provides comfort and happiness.

Self different? Here are five lockdown exercises to keep you fit, focused and sensed


First, free up a little space - push the chairs behind or remove things from the hallway. If you have a yoga mat, install it somewhere. It's not necessary - if you have a carpet you don't need anything, if it's a hard floor, maybe put a towel or two down to protect your arms. Get into position: Lie in front of you on the floor with your forearms (parallel to each other), toes under, then increase your body weight so that you can rest on your forearms and legs. Keep your body in a straight line - handle your core muscles, don't move them in between. Hold!

Work for 1 minute. If you've never done this before, do a Google of "Daily Daily Challenge" and follow it - in those days when you'll go from 10 seconds to 60, and possibly even further. If you are already doing a regular coup (which seems to my English ear, badly insulting, close to sorry) then try changes like side planks or hard adaptations. Watch the online video for the correct form, but always remember my own personal coup rule as well. 1: While planking you have to spend time thinking about the fact that the world record for a plank is 8 hours 15 minutes. This is strangely cheering, mainly because no one is doing it to you.

2. Carry yeoman

When you thought the holiday is a dream, it's time to fill your suitcase! Use books, tins, old CDs - whatever you've got. Do a little squat to take it (should not bend) and make sure you brace through your core and then walk, keeping it nice and even and supported straight. Of course, you can do this with one "weight" in each hand, but it can be tricky to balance properly at home - unless you have two sacks of rice.

Again there are some good online videos and interpreters by better-qualified people than me - but please start the light and slowly add weight if it is too easy, rather than the other way around. Ideally, you cannot lift more than a pair of hundred meters.


Things you can use for this: a step, a low bench, a baby chair - anything that won't move and can comfortably carry its weight. Stand in front, step with one leg, stand the other on the step. Step backwards using the same leg. Repeat on the other side. So basically it is constantly up and down but every time you are alternating your foot lead's foot. Try to keep your back nice and straight again and your core braided. Do several reps until you feel like your form starts moving slightly. Maybe the next time you count how many, and the next time, aim some more.

4. Free Weight

Time to unpack again! Get some tins or bags from the suitcase and use them as weights. From simple bicep curls to deadlifts, there is an almost endless list of exercises you can do - but using really cans also sets up a really good BBC workout here. When you get super good at planks, you can also use them - together, we can all come out of isolation one day with a steel core in a happy future.


Skipping with a rope is a really great cardio exercise, challenges multiple groups of muscles and takes time for your hand/eye coordination and bargaining. Of course, you need a little more space for this but if you can, this is a great way to increase your heart rate and is especially fantastic for runners who can't get out.

Only really hardcore maybe leave for any serious length, but for example, could manage to mix in repetitions, then a minute of skipping working through the other exercises above - then repeat 5 Or just see how many skips you can do before you stop yourself with a rope, try again and beat each time.

How to stay fit and active at home during coronavirus self-isolation

Comprehensive social removal policies have been implemented to limit the spread of COVID-19, meaning that most people will have to spend a lot more of their time at home.

Self-isolation means very few opportunities to become physically active if you are used to walking or cycling for transportation and leisure time sports.

But equally worryingly, the home environment also provides abundant opportunities for sedation (sitting or quietness).
While measures of self-isolation are necessary, our bodies and minds still need exercise to function well, stop weight gain, and maintain spirits during these challenging times.

Exercise can help keep our immune system strong, susceptible to infections and reduce their most severe consequences, and is better at recovering from them.

Even before the restrictive conditions are announced, physical inactivity costs 5.3 million a year globally.

We should, therefore, consider ways to limit the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, as well as its broader impact of contributing to the long-term chronic disease crisis.

How much physical activity?

Global recommendations are for all adults to accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, as well as muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week.

No activity is better than none, and more activity provides greater physical and mental health benefits.

As many countries are already under lockdown, it is uncertain how long you can go out for a walk, a run, or a bicycle. The important question is, how can people meet these guidelines if they are limited to the home environment?

But during Coronavirus Quarantine you will need a complete home workout plan that will help you work out without a gym which means you can get in shape, lose weight, and get stronger.

Coronavirus: These exercises will increase students' immunity power

WHO continues the guideline on how to prevent the coronavirus. If you want to avoid this disease, then first you have to increase your immunity. To increase the immunity we are telling some exercises, which will prevent other diseases including corona.

WHO continues the guideline on how to prevent the coronavirus. If you want to avoid this disease, then first you have to increase your immunity. To increase the immunity we are telling some exercises, which will prevent other diseases including corona.

Yoga: Compound actions are very beneficial in increasing the immunity of the body. Learning from a Yogacharya should do these actions in the same order: Kapalabhanti, Agnisara Kriya, Surya Namaskar, Tadasana, Uttanapadaasana, Katichkrasan, Sethubandhasana, Pawanmuktasana, Bhujangasana, Naukasana, Mandukasana, Anulom Vilom Pranayama, Ujjaya Pranayam, Bhastrika Pranayama, Bhramrika Pranayama, Bhramrika Pranayama, Bhramrika Pranayama and Bhramari Dhyana should do.

Exercise benefits: Exercise increases the blood circulation of the body, tones muscles, improves cardiac function and increases immunity. Exercise also helps in removing toxic substances from the body. Actually, during exercise, we take deep, long and fast breaths. By doing this, toxic substances are released out of the lungs. We also sweat during the second exercise.

Sweat comes out: Through sweat, dirty substances come out of the body. According to a study, if you walk at a brisk pace for 45 minutes in the morning, then many diseases are overcome and the possibility of repeated illness can be reduced.


It is being said about the coronavirus that it quickly catches people whose immunity system is weak, diabetes, blood pressure and heart patients or elderly people. In the last few days, it has been seen that people have started buying supplements from shops to increase the immunity system. But the question is whether the strengthening of the immunity system can really help to avoid corona, can immunity be increased so quickly by eating supplements?

Doctors and experts have been stressing that it is not wise to buy supplements and vitamins that are available in a hurry. There is no firm evidence that these things can really strengthen the immunity system. Instead, you should focus on something else.

Stay away from stress There is no doubt that due to the coronavirus, people have become stressed. Surely the more you think about it, the more you are likely to suffer from it. Experts believe that taking too much stress can damage your immune system. During this time, instead of being nervous, you should try to reduce stress. The stress hormone cortisol closes the cells in your immune system.

Exercise Experts believe that low- and moderate-intensity exercise naturally reduces cortisol levels and helps with immune system function. You're should be an exercise under 30 to 60 minutes a day. But keep in mind that exercise at your home. Also, exercise helps to boost the immune system.

Get enough sleep To avoid stress and increase the immunity system, you should get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Children should sleep longer. It also depends on their age.

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