Coronavirus devastates the body like this?


In December last year, the primary cases of Coronavirus COVID 19 were reported in China.

After this, it quickly spread to quite 140 countries around the world and therefore the World Health Organization had to declare it a plague.

Coronavirus caused a disease called COVID 19 in humans.

Although its initial symptoms are very minor, it also can kill people.

How does this virus attack the body? How is it treated and why did many of us who were being treated within the hospital die from it?

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These are the symptoms and prevention of affected by corona

Virus period

The official pandemic coronavirus is known as SARS COV-2 (Sars-CoV-2). the period is the time between infection and symptoms.

This is the time when the virus accumulates within the physical body.

After going inside the body, this virus can cause trouble for the person. Its first attack is in the cells all of as around your throat.

It then attacks the windpipe and lungs. Here it makes a sort of "coronavirus factories". That is, it increases its number here.

New coronaviruses attack the remaining cells. you are doing not feel ill within the initial stages. However, in some people, symptoms start appearing from the very beginning of the infection.

The time of the virus also can vary among people. On a mean, it's five days.

Information about coronavirus
These are the symptoms and prevention of affected by corona.

Minor illness
The symptoms seen in most of the people are minor. It is often said that in eight out of ten of the infected people, these symptoms are very mild, and these symptoms are fever and cough. Body pain, pharyngitis and headaches can also occur.

Your body's system tries to fight the virus.

Your body sees the virus sort of a foreign invader and signals to the entire body that the body has been attacked. After this, he starts leaving a chemical named cytokine to kill the virus.

The body's anti-disease forces are ready to answer the attack with full force and thanks to this you'll have body pain and fever.

The cough caused by the coronavirus is typically a dry cough during which there's no mucus. But sometimes this matter is often limited to the matter also.

Disease resistance virus

Some people can also get mucus in cough. In such cases, there also are dead efforts of lungs within the mucus which are destroyed thanks to the virus.

In these symptoms, doctors often tell you to relax, drink all the water and take paracetamol. It doesn't require hospitalization.

This situation lasts for a few weeks. People whose immunity system is successful in fighting the virus, their health starts improving within every week.

But in some cases, the person's health deteriorates further. Severe symptoms of Kovid 19 start appearing.

So far, the knowledge about Kovid 19 has been revealed, thus far it's been revealed.

But recently some studies have begun which say that symptoms of colds like running nose can also be seen during this beam.

Severe symptoms of Kovid 19
If the disease increases then there are many reasons. the primary is that our immunity works quite necessary to eliminate the virus.

During this point, the chemicals that are formed give signals to the entire body, which causes the body to swell. Sometimes this inflammation causes severe damage to the body.

Says Natalie Maxdermott, a doctor at King's College London, "The virus causes the balance of the system to deteriorate and inflammation begins to seem. we've not yet been ready to skills the virus works."

This inflammation of the lungs is named pneumonia. If this virus enters your tract through your mouth then reaches your lungs, then your lungs make small air sacs.

The lungs of a people are the places within the body from where oxygen starts reaching the body, while the CO2 comes out of the body.

But the water starts settling in small air sacs made by Corona and thanks to this you've got difficulty in breathing and you can't take long breath.

In such a stage, the patient needs a ventilator.

A World Health Organization study supported information collected about 56,000 infected people in China shows that 14% Such severe signs of infection were seen in of the people.

Critical condition

It is said that six per cent of people can become very seriously ill thanks to this virus.

In this stage, the physical body loses ahead of the virus and falls seriously ill.

At this stage, lung failure, septic shock, organ failure and death can occur.

At this stage, the immune system gets out of control and causes serious damage to the body.

Due to swelling in the lungs, the body does not get the oxygen it needs.

This can have a direct effect on the kidney, which works to clean the blood, they can stop working. Also, your intestines can be affected.

Doctor Bharat Pankhania says, "Due to the virus, the swelling of the body increases so much, many organs of the body fail due to which a human can die."

ECMO, ie extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, can be used for treatment at this stage.

In this, a type of artificial lung is used, which extracts the blood inside the body and oxygenates it and puts it back in the body.

But it can't be said that this treatment is going to be effective.

•Corona virus
•Death cases
•In the case of deaths thanks to coronavirus, doctors have told how the patient couldn't be saved despite their best efforts.

According to a study published in Lancet Medical Journal, the lungs of patients were found healthy in two deaths thanks to coronavirus at Xinyantan Hospital in Wuhan, China.

However, it has also been said in the study that these two smoked for a long time. This may be the reason that their lungs may be weak.

The first person to die was a 61-year-old male. He had severe pneumonia when he arrived at the hospital.

He had severe breathing problems and was placed on a ventilator.

But his lungs stopped working. The beating was also stopped. He died 11 days after coming to the hospital.

The other patients were a 69-year-old man who had trouble breathing.

He was attached to the ECMO machine but couldn't escape. His vital sign was constantly falling and he had pneumonia.

How does coronavirus-2019 spread?


Healthy people can infect COVID-19 from infected people. The disease can spread from person to person through small drops from the nose or mouth due to cough or sneeze. This dropping island on objects and surfaces around the person. Others then become infected with COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth. This is why it is important to stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away from a sick or infected person.

Coronavirus-2019 treatment & precautions

Since there is currently no cure for COVID-19, the best way to prevent the disease is to avoid exposure to the virus. You can reduce the chances of getting infected or spreading COVID-19 by taking a few simple precautions:

Clean up your hand it regularly and thoroughly with an alcohol-based hand rub, or wash them with soap and water. Washing your hands with soap and water or rubbing alcohol-based hands kills viruses that may be on your hands.

Maintain a distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing at a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet). When someone coughs or sneezes, they sprinkle small liquid droplets through their nose or mouth that may contain the virus. If you're very close, you'll inhale cough, including the COVID-19 virus if the one that coughs has the disease.

Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces or objects and may come in contact with the virus. Once contaminates, hand's can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose, or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and make you sick.

Make sure that you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. It means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing. As we mentioned, the virus spreads by a cough or sneeze drops. By following good respiratory hygiene, you protect people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.

If you feel unwell then stay home. If you have fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, pay attention to therapy and make an appointment with a doctor beforehand. Following the instructions of your local health authority. The National or local authorities will have the most accurate information to know the status of your area. An appointment in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly guide you to the right healthcare facility. It will also protect you and help prevent other infections from spreading.

Be aware of the latest developments about COVID-19. Followed by the advice given by your healthcare provider, your national and native public health authority, or your employer to guard yourself et al. from COVID-19. National and local authorities will have the most information on whether COVID-19 is spreading in your area.
Keep getting information on the latest COVID-19 hotspot (the city or local area where COVID-19 is spreading widely). If possible, avoid travelling to these places - especially if you are an elderly person or have diabetes, heart or lung disease.

What to try to if you come back after visiting the infected area?

Security measures for those that have recently (last 14 days) visited areas where COVID-19 is spreading -

Follow the above guidance (Safety measures for all)
Until you recover, mild symptoms like headaches, low-grade fever (37.3 C or more) and mild runny nose, isolate yourself by staying reception.
If you want to go outside, accompany a mask.

If you've got fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical advice immediately because it could also be thanks to respiratory tract infection or other serious condition.

Call your doctor beforehand and take a meeting so that there's no delay in treatment if the infection is found.

How dangerous is it?

The new coronaviruses that were first found in China and which have now been found at around 70 locations internationally including India. The virus is known as "SARS-CoV-2" and therefore the disease caused by it's named "Coronavirus Disease 2019" (abbreviated "COVID-19"). It's on January 30, 2020, the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee of the planet Health Organization declared the outbreak to be a "public health emergency of international concern" (PHEIC).

The virus has killed quite 3,200 people everywhere the planet and has infected over one lakh people. and everyone this went on in only but two months. The case of this virus was first found in Kerala in India, but after being normal there, it's now showing its outbreak in Delhi and NCR, the country's capital. in only three days, quite 30 people were found to be infected with COVID-19.

More cases of COVID-19 are likely to be identified within the coming days, including more cases in India. it's also likely that the person-to-person spread including communities in India will continue. And there's also an opportunity that COVID-19 could also be widely broadcast in India at any time. The widespread transmission of COVID-19 would require large numbers of individuals to hunt medical aid at an equivalent time. Schools, childcare centres, workplaces and other venues for mass gatherings may experience the absence of more equipment. Public health and health systems could also be overloaded, and high rates of deaths in hospitals can also result. Other important infrastructure, like enforcement, emergency medical services, and therefore the transportation industry, can also be affected.

Steps were taken by the govt to stop coronavirus
Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said that the govt is taking all steps to prevent the spread of coronavirus and with the growing situation in India 28,529 people are brought under surveillance.

The Prime Minister is often monitoring preparedness and response and a gaggle of ministers has been formed to watch things. Currently, all of as regular (sticker) visas / e-visas (including visas on arrival to Japan and South Korea ) for citizens of Italy, Iran, South Korea, Japan, are suspended with immediate effect.

Also, visas given to citizens of China issued on or before 5 February were previously suspended.

Indian people are advised to not visit China, Iran, South Korea, Italy and Japan. Universal screening is being finished all international travellers arriving within the country.

All 654 individuals, including 647 Indians, were withdrawn from Wuhan, a coronavirus sub-centre. All 124 evacuated and evacuated from the COVID-19 infected cruise liner Diamond Princess at Port Yokohama, Japan, and every one Indians evacuated are immobile.

In addition to the Pune laboratory, testing of COVID-19 samples has been started in 15 more laboratories. 19 more new laboratories are being found out to check samples across the country.

what next?

Be aware of the latest information about the COVID-19 outbreak available on the WHO website and thru your national and native public health authority. Many countries around the world have seen cases of COVID-19 and lots of have seen outbreaks. Authorities in China and a few other countries have succeeded in slowing down or stopping their outbreaks. However, things are unpredictable so be regularly conscious of the newest news.

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