

Are those in this blood group the most vulnerable to corona?

The whole world is stunned by the Coronavirus from China. The infection of this virus has reached around 160 countries around the world until now. So far, around 200,000 people have arrived in the world due to the Coronavirus that started from Wuhan, China. Of these, about 8000 people have died. At the same time, more than 82,000 people have returned home, winning the battle against Corona.

Symptoms of corona include fever, phlegm and difficulty in breathing. Apart from this, in some severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia or difficulty in breathing. The disease is fatal in very few cases. The special thing about its symptoms is that it is just like common flu and cold, which is common for anyone. Therefore, it is better to have a checkup if you are worried about symptoms. It will be confirmed only after the investigation whether you are infected with corona or not.

In the midst of all this, health experts and scientists from all over the world are searching for information on the treatment of the virus, as well as the reasons for its spread, prevention measures, which age people are most at risk. In one such study, Chinese researchers have found out what effect coronavirus will have on the people of which blood group, that is, how much the people of which blood group are at risk of coronavirus.

Research in China has revealed that people with A blood group have a higher risk of coronavirus infection. That is, people of A blood group can get infected with coronavirus quickly, whereas people of O blood group are less prone to corona infection, ie people of O blood group take a little longer to get infected... This disclosure was made by the researchers at Jinintan Hospital of Hubei Province, China.

Big things of a report ...

- According to the news published in the British newspaper Daily Mail, scientists in Wuhan studied 2173 people infected with the coronavirus. Of these 206 people died due to coronavirus. There people's were admitted to three hospitals in Hubei Province.
Corona virus

Blood group A was 85 of the 206 killed due to the coronavirus. That means around 41 per cent. Whereas, blood group O was 52 people. That is about 25 per cent.

- Among 2173 people, people with A blood group were also more infected. Of this, 32 per cent belonged to A blood group while 26 per cent belonged to the O blood group.

- Among those included in the research, 38 per cent of the A blood group were infected with the coronavirus infection, while only 26 per cent of the O blood group were affected by the virus.

Research has also revealed that the number of people from A blood group is higher in those who die due to coronavirus, while the lowest number of people are from the O group.

Let us tell you that there are four types of blood groups. These groups are A, B, AB and O. They are divided into groups A +, A-, B +, B-, AB +, AB-, O + and O-.

37 people in 100 transition to A group
This study, published in China's research magazine MedRxiv, has also been published by Global Times. On this study done on 2173 people, doctors of St. Michael's Hospital in Wuhan say, it can be seen that if 100 people are standing somewhere, then 37 people belong to A group. So the maximum number of people affected by corona there will be A group.

206 patients in research
Corona virus

In this research, 206 patients were killed who were killed by the virus. Out of this, 41.26 per cent was A blood group. Only a quarter of the people had an O blood group.

A blood group of people need not panic

Gao Yingdai, a researcher in Tianjin city, said, "If your blood type is A, there is no need to panic. It does not mean that you will be 100 per cent infected. If you are in type O, it does not mean that You are absolutely safe. You still need to wash your hands and follow the guidelines issued by the authorities. "

What will be the effect on B and AB?

According to the study, the corona was not seen to have any significant effect on people with blood group B and AB. However, those in the O group are less likely to be affected by Corona.

To avoid the coronavirus, just take these 3 things, number 1 is the most effective

Friends, today I am going to tell you that to avoid the coronavirus, you must take these things. Consuming these things can not even touch the coronavirus. So let's know what those three things are. Which is very important to consume.

3) Eat hot food- You should eat hot food for the next 1 month. You should not accidentally eat cold food nor eat cold food by heating.
Corona virus

2) Do eat garlic - if you use more garlic in your food every day. So this will protect you from the corona. Garlic is very beneficial to heating. You should definitely use black garlic while cooking.
Corona virus

1) Must use warm water and salt- Coronavirus passes for 2 to 3 days in the throat before it enters the body completely. In the meantime, if you drink salt or gargle with salt in 1 glass of hot water every day, then this virus will end before going into the body. Therefore, you should consume it daily. Do this work at least 5 times a day.
Corona virus

If you follow and consume all these things then you will not get caught in the coronavirus. And the number one measure is most effective.

Coronavirus will end in, experts claimed

Corona virus

Right now the world is keeping its grip on the coronavirus, due to which the government has given permission to keep the school-college cinema hall closed in different places till in which the coronavirus has been declared a global epidemic. In such a situation, people believe that due to the heat, the effect of coronavirus has reduced, but experts believe that this epidemic will continue for the next 6 months.

Experts from infectious disease claimed that the risk of coronavirus will remain for the next 6 months. Experts have not been able to protect it before. After the claim, it is believed that its vexing will be made for the next 6 months as well. After this epidemic can be reduced, in fact, waxing of Poorna virus is being made, due to which it can take up to 6 months to be fully formed after which its treatment no. Bhava can be done.

Experts believe that this is just the beginning, there may be a lot of trouble due to this epidemic. Brother Sahib Vyas taken by governments around the world is not much, but Butt believes that coronavirus can be caused by breathing. This is being said to be a serious problem, the solution to avoid it is that it is the safest to stay at home only.

Two Ayurveda method

1. Camphor acts as a medicine to get rid of any type of infection. Smelling it's beneficial in respiratory infections, so you want to have heard that sniffing cardamom and camphor can prevent swine influenza. You can also eat it but keep its quantity adequate to or maybe but the grains of wheat. It can also be a preventive measure for the coronavirus.
Corona virus

2. Neem has been used for centuries as a natural antibiotic, antiinflammatory, and you can also seek help to avoid the Nipah virus. By chewing a few neem leaves daily, you can not only avoid the coronavirus, but also purify the blood.
Corona virus

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