Healthy foods

Healthy foods information

Every foster child is worried about the diet of his child, irrespective of the class. But not all spinach knows what amount should be included in healthy and nutritious food.

What is the reason

The reason for the slum children being malnourished is that they do not get enough nutritious food, but the children of elite families are also suffering from malnutrition. These children like to eat only things like pizzas, burgers, cake-pastries, sodas, samosas-kachori and French fries so that they get a lot of calories but do not get nutrition. Therefore, children become vulnerable to obesity and malnutrition.

Parents need to know about nutritious diet so that children can avoid diseases like malnutrition and obesity.

Micronutrients are those elements that the body requires in very small amounts. Only in small amounts, but these elements are necessary for the body to function properly.


It is responsible for maintaining the balance of fluids in the body. Blood pH Level is important to regularize.


Important for building bones and producing energy. Helpful in the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates and fat.

Important to regulate heart rate. It helps convert blood glucose into energy. It is also required for the metabolism of micronutrients such as calcium and vitamin-C.

Iron element

It is important for the formation of red blood cells and lymphocytes in our body.


Essentially to the functionality or developments of the thyroid gland. Metabolism of fat, it is helpful for the production of energy and the development of the body.


It regulates the level of water and electrolyte in cells as well as the pH of cells. Help to maintain the level.

Getting enough micronutrients through diet is not a difficult task. Pay attention to giving a balanced diet to the child. Dried fruits, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, fruits and vegetables of different colours (black grapes, plum, peppermint, plums etc.). All kinds of nutrients are obtained by incorporating various kinds of things in the food. The variety of colours naturally in the diet will be better in terms of nutrition.

Choose nutritious food
Do not take fast food

Now fast foods, snacks, cakes, pastries and fizzy drinks have become the choice of youth. Have you ever wondered what effect these foods are having on your body and health?

Teenage age is the age of physical growth in children, this age is amazing in height and weight gain. Bones are constantly built and rebuilt.

Due to this process, nutritional and calcium needs of adolescent boys and girls are very high. Calcium intake in these years and early years of adulthood will determine the nature of the bones for life.

The formation of muscles, blood volume, the constituent elements of blood all increase in adolescent stage and hence the need for protein also increases.

If you do dieting, your physical growth will stop, the body will look fine from above, but will become hollow from inside. We want to say that at the age you want to eat, you should not diet at that age.

  Teenage age is the age of physical growth in children, this age is amazing in height and weight gain. Bones are constantly built and rebuilt.
If you are excessively obese, then exercise. Eat three rotis instead of four in the meal. Eat two times a day. Do not eat any extravagant things in addition to food during the day, drink plenty of water, if you do a meeting, definitely take a walk. Use the stairs instead of the lift.

If you keep these things in mind then you will not have to diet. The age of dieting comes after 35-40 years, you should do it on the advice of the doctor, not on your own will.

There are two types of food - high nutritious and low nutritious. Most quick meals contain enough calories, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

They are also good sources of protein, but fast foods are often deficient in fibre content and vitamin 'A'. They are high in sodium and fat and 'shakes' give several hundred calories.

Therefore, you should choose food in such a way that they provide balanced nutrition for the whole day.

The nutritious diet which is necessary to eat daily

In today's run-of-the-mill life where there is neither time to eat nor sleep. That is why most people are seen cutting the wheels of doctors' clinic every day to get their disease treated. If you know that by eating such diets daily you can stay fit, then include the following diets in your eating plate from now.

Eat them too -

1. Green leafy vegetables- Antioxidant is found in these vegetables which reduces the effect of ageing. For this, spinach, which is considered a good source of vitamins A, C, K, calcium and magnesium.

2. Nuts- By eating a handful of nuts every day, you will feel refreshed and active throughout the day. In nuts, almonds and Sharath are especially important. Eating almonds brightens the mind and also increases blood.

3. Egg - It is considered to be a kind of protein treasure. It also contains 8 amino acids. Any egg-eater must know that how much protein the body gets by eating eggs and how much it helps to fill the stomach.

4. Milk- Milk is a complete diet in which mineral, protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamins are found in high amounts. It can be eaten either in the form of curd or paneer or only milk can be drunk. It will benefit both ways.

5. Fruit- You must eat fruit every morning and evening. You must eat all kinds of fruits because each fruit has its own quality.

The more nutritious the food, the better our health will be.

Our food is directly related to our health. That is, the nutritious the food, the better our health will be. How to take care of nutrition in your food, despite the rapid growth and expansion of medical and health services, the number of patients in hospitals in the country is increasing day by day.

The main reason for this is often the increasing amount of salt, oil and sugar in our daily diet. Due to the lack of physical exertion and comfortable routines, a large number of toxic substances accumulate in the body, which gives rise to many serious diseases.

Harmful foods

In place of traditional Indian catering, a modern and western style based ready-to-eat, packaged or canned foods, junk food and fast food intake increase the harmful elements in our body. In food and nutrient, it's made tasty by using dangerous chemicals like trans fats, sugar, sodium and lead, but it's not healthy.

By this, the hunger of the person is instantly erased, but the nutritional needs of the body aren't fulfilled. It lacks nutrients like protein, vitamins, minerals etc. Talking about the loss, it contains a lot of chemical substances and sugar in the form of trans fats, synthetic colours, essences. Due to lack of fibre in it and excess of lubricity, its intake also affects the digestive system badly.

Take care of your resistance

The body's resistance weakens due to lack of essential nutrients. Due to the increasing amount of salt, oil, sugar and harmful substances, many diseases like obesity, sugar, blood pressure, cancer, kidney, constipation, liver are happening on a large scale.

According to an estimate, 60-70 per cent of illnesses are thanks to unregulated human routine, unbalanced and unsafe eating. Scientific surveys have shown that humans consume almost twice as much salt, oil, and sugar in their daily diet as compared to physical needs.

Eat homemade things

In the metropolis, due to the runaway lifestyle and work stress, the youth meet the food requirements by consuming ready-to-eat foods available in the market instead of consuming home-made foods. But hotel and tiffin food emphasize taste rather than nutrition.

It is why test makers, harmful chemicals, synthetic colours, fats, sugar, trans fats etc. are used extensively in the manufacture of food items in a taste and fashion. In the tastes of tastes is best, we forget that the consumption of such food causes many dangerous diseases.

Take safe and healthy food

•Take a secure and healthy diet, because that's the idea of excellent health.

•Eat fortified food.

•Avoid consumption of bright and colourful foods.

•Always consume fruits and vegetables by washing.

•Do does not use stickers on fruits.

•Focus on nutritious food, healthy life.

•Be sure to look for labels before use of packaged foods.

•Do does not use newspaper and polythene to keep food items.

•Do did not consume cut fruits and vegetables.

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