Diet to get health increase

Diet to get health increase
How is the diet
Diet to get health increase

Those who are juicy, smooth and stable and by nature are dear to the mind, such a diet (food) is dear to the Satvik Purush. If the quantity of fruits, milk, curd, buttermilk and sprouts is high in the diet, then the diet becomes balanced. A balanced diet can meet the needs of our body. Our diet should be 80 per cent alkaline.

Encoding, filtering, cooking, etc. according to its condition or condition, which is given by nature in its form, is fine, but it is not beneficial to fry it or incorporate chilli-spices in it.

Fruits, vegetables, sprouted grains, dry fruits, fruit juice, vegetable soup, honey, jaggery etc. are the best foods. The food (food) must be digestible and light. On the contrary, intoxicating and fried substances should be discarded altogether.

The proper intake of vitamins in a balanced diet along with protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, salts, water, and foci, develops and builds the body and recovers the power spent per minute.

Protein: Wheat, barley, jowar, millet, peas, rice, soybeans, nuts, pulses, apples, milk, mutha, paneer etc. are its main sources. The function of protein is to increase, develop and compensate our body. Due to its deficiency, weakness, lethargy, anaemia and immunity are reduced. Despite being beneficial, its excess causes liver, kidney and blood-related diseases. Therefore, consuming only the right amount is beneficial.
Diet to get health increase

Carbohydrates: They maintain energy and heat (heat) in the body. These are of two types -

Sugars: Sweet fruits, grapes, dates, mangoes, sugarcane, figs, raisins, jaggery, honey, milk, etc. are its sources. Although sugar is also its source, it is harmful.

Starch: Its sources are wheat, rice, barley, jowar, millet, maize, potato, etc. Due to their deficiency, lack of heat in the body, weakness, lack of enthusiasm and strength decreases. Excessive intestinal and blood diseases occur and obesity increases.

Fat (smoothness): Through this body temperature is balanced. This prevents the heat of the body from coming out. This element helps in excretion of faeces. There is no accumulation of faeces in the intestines. Constipation is cured.

Milk, yoghurt, ghee, butter all types of oil, dry fruits are its source.

Power is gained by its proper use. Disease preventive power develops, but excessively increases the chances of getting blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

Edible salts: These are important parts of our food, they are many in number, but mainly calcium (lime), phosphorus, iron, iodine, sodium (common salt) are important.

Water: Life cannot be imagined without water. Water is a medicine, it provides strength, but before food, it is like nectar and at the end of the food it is as poisonous as poison. Therefore, water should be drunk half an hour before or 2 hours after the meal.

The digestion of our food through water and the assimilation of nutrients into the body through blood. The expulsion of heterogeneous fluid collected in the body is also done by water.

Vitamins (Jeevan Sattva): These are the subtle elements found in our food items, which cannot be seen with eyes. Without them, the body becomes diseased. Therefore, their use is essential to keep the body healthy. They are known as Vitamin A, B, C, D, E etc.

Vitamins are obtained in sufficient quantities from green vegetables, fruits, raw milk, pulses (peeled) cheese, dry fruits, sprouted grains, etc. Lack of vitamins causes diseases of teeth, blood, bones. Due to the lack of different vitamins, different diseases are born.

Fok (fudge): It is not a food item, but a part of the food, such as grains of grains and pulses, peels of vegetables, fruits fibres, etc. It does not digest itself but excretes the remaining portion of digested food with faeces. It also contains salts and vitamins. Consumption of constipation is eliminated by its use and diseases of the stomach are eliminated, as a result of which diabetes, heart, haemorrhoids and stones diseases are eliminated.

The above description made it clear what kind of diet we should take to be healthy. A balanced diet does not only build our body, but its proper selection protects us from diseases by working as medicine.

How can you keep your mental health just by making a slight change in your diet?

Everyone knows that nutritious food plays an important role in maintaining our physical health. This reduces the risk of many diseases including diabetes, cancer, obesity and heart disease. However, few people know that nutritious food proves to be very effective for our mental health as well. This can prove to be extremely helpful in protecting us from depression and depression. That is, if people start focusing on their eating habits, then they can save themselves from many psychiatric or general mental troubles. Recently studies in this direction have shown that certain foods are very effective for the improvement of psychological health.

Complex carbohydrates

One way to keep mental health better is to increase the number of complex carbohydrates in your diet. Complex carbohydrates are sugars whose molecules include fibre and starch. This carbohydrate is found in many fruits, many vegetables (especially potatoes and sweet potatoes) and grains such as rice. These substances release glucose slowly in our body. This helps us to keep our mood steady.

Common carbohydrates other than complex carbohydrates are found in sugar, sweets, sweet snacks and sweet beverages. Whenever we consume such substances, it immediately fixes our mood. They give us a sense of happiness, but this hurts mental health.

Often we eat sweet when we are sad or restless. But it gives such a reaction in our brain, due to which we may get addicted to such food and it is like addiction to drugs like heroin or cocaine. These drugs also heal mood immediately, but in the long run, they have negative effects on the brain.

In this way, reducing the amount of sugar and other sweet substances in the food and increasing the number of complex carbohydrates can be the first step towards increasing mental health and happiness.


The production of energy with the help of oxygen by the cells is called the oxidation process. Our body and brain get energy from oxidation. But during this process, free radicals are produced in our body. These are a type of molecule that damages cells. They are most commonly produced in the brain.

We mainly experience pleasure from the secretion of hormones called dopamine and serotonin, but oxidation and the free radicals produced by it reduce the secretion of these hormones. And thus our mental health is affected.

The presence of antioxidants eliminates free radicals in the body, therefore the substances in which antioxidants are found more are better for our mental health. Antioxidants are usually found in bright green-red-orange coloured fruits and vegetables.

Omega 3
Diet to get health increase

Omega 3 is a type of fatty acids (fatty acids) that work in the body to convert food into energy. They are also good for brain health and improve secretion of hormones such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine.

Omega 3 fatty acids are mainly found in fish, walnuts, cashews, almonds, peanuts, leafy vegetables, eggs, and meat (grass-fed animals). It has been found that omega 3 improves the functioning of the brain, improves the state of depression and also prevents dementia.

Omega 3 is a nutrient that our body cannot produce. We can get this only from food items and therefore we must include the ingredients with its presence in our daily foods.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B serotonin and dopamine play a very important role in increasing the secretion of hormones. These vitamins are mainly found in green vegetables, legume vegetables, bananas and beetroot. Eating a diet that is high in vitamin B6, B12 and folate mean that you will be able to avoid depression.

At the same time, a lack of vitamin B reduces the secretion of hormones that make us feel happy in our body. If this continues for a long time, we may have to face many problems related to mental health.

Prebiotic Fiber and ProbioticDiet to get health increase

Billions of good and bad bacteria are found in our stomach and these also affect our mood, behaviour and brain health. Prebiotic fibres are substances that are not directly digested but get stuck in the intestines and are slowly destroyed. This process helps the good bacteria to flourish in the stomach and increase their numbers. Prebiotic fibre is found in bananas, onions, garlic, apple peels, and legumes as well as many other fruits and vegetables.

At the same time, probiotics are good bacteria that are found in curd, paneer or pickle (of cabbage). Probiotic has the same effect on the brain as depression-relieving drugs.
