Amla (Gooseberry) souse is beneficial to increase immunity, make a health such, health and fitness benefits of Amlas (Gooseberry)

All health and fitness benefits of Amla (gooseberry)

Amla chutney is beneficial to increase immunity, make such

 If there is a spicy sauce with food, then the taste of the food increases further. Be it simple daily food or chaat-dumplings and samosa-sour chutney, its flavour increases manifold. But sourer is also harmful to health.

In such a situation, you can make a beneficial sour sauce. You can make gooseberry sauce for taste and health. Let us know that Amla also increases immunity so that the body is protected from diseases. How to make gooseberry chutney at home

Ingredients for Amla Chutney:

Coriander - 100 grams

Amla - 100 grams

Black pepper - 10

Green Chili - 4

Garlic - 5 buds

Asafoetida - 1 pinch

Cumin seeds - half a teaspoon

Salt - as per taste

How to make Amla Chutney-

First of all, wash the gooseberries with water and dry it thoroughly by wiping it with a cloth.

After this, to make the chutney, cut the gooseberry, take out its pulp and throw away the seeds. Now clean and wash the coriander and finely chop it with a knife.

Now peel and wash 5 kali garlic. Add chopped green chillies, salt, cumin, asafetida, black pepper and a little water along with garlic, coriander and amla and mix it in the mixer. Your gooseberry chutney is ready.

You keep this chutney in a box and keep it in the fridge so that it can be used for 4-5 days.

Amla is rich in Vitamin C. If used in cold weather, it is very beneficial. Doctors tell that regular use of gooseberry makes your body healthy.

Amla is found in minerals like vitamin A, B6, thiamine, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, copper, potassium, manganese etc. Doctors believe that Amla enhances the beauty of the face along with making it healthy.

Juices are also beneficial

to eat amla every day, remain healthy 12
Amla can be used in many ways. Its chutneys and juices can also be made. It can also be eaten in raw form. In addition to chutney, gooseberries are also made. In rural areas even today people use it as a light.

Its jam is also made which can be used in any season. Amla juice can also be eaten by mixing it with honey. This also keeps the kidney healthy.
Effective for hair and eyes

eat amla every day, remain healthy 13
Amla is also considered good for hair. The iron found in it increases hair growth. You can use it for thick and long hair. People whose hair is falling can also use it.

This will prevent hair fall and new hair will grow. Amla should be eaten regularly to increase eyesight. Apart from this, it is also considered good for teeth, nails and bones.

1. beneficial in diabetes

Amla isn't but any nectar for people affected by diabetes. Actually, amla contains chromium elements which control the sugar level in the blood by strengthening the insulin hormones. If you have diabetes, drinking honey mixed with amla juice will give you a lot of relief.

2. Keep your heart healthy

Chromium present in amla reduces the effect of a beta-blocker. This makes your heart strong and healthy. It's not only, but amla also helps in making good cholesterol by eliminating bad cholesterol.

3. Helpful in Digitization

Amla is very helpful in digesting food. Eating it relieves constipation, sour belching and gas problems. This is the reason why you should include amla in your food in one form or the other. You can also make it as a part of your diet in the form of Amla chutney, jam, pickle, juice or churan.

4. Helpful in weight loss

Amla makes the body's metabolism strong, which helps in reducing weight.

5. Free from infection

Amla has the strength to fight bacteria and fungal infections. Eating it increases the immunity of our body, which keeps us far away from diseases. Not only this, but amla also removes the toxins present within the body. Eating Indian gooseberry provides relief from cold, cold, ulcers and stomach infection.

6. Bones will become stronger

Eating Amla gives strength to bones and makes them strong. Amla is rich in calcium and eating it provides relief from osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain.

7. Beneficial to the eyes

Amla juice is beneficial for the eyes. It increases the light of the eyes. Not only those who give cataract, colour blindness or show less, but they should also drink Amla juice.

8. Tension leave

Amla contains elements that provide coolness to the brain. Eating Indian gooseberry provides relief in tension and sleep.

9. Also beneficial in periods

Women have to face many problems in their periods, including irregular period cycles, abdominal and back pain, more bleeding. In such a situation, eating amla is very beneficial. If amla is eaten daily, then the vitamin and mineral periods present in the gooseberry get rid of the problems.

10. Beneficial in reproduction

If someone is suffering from infertility then they should eat amla daily. Eating it increases the activity of sperm in men and the eggs of women are healthy.

Use Amla in such a way, many skin problems will be overcome

Amla has been used in homes for many years. Amla is unmatched in everything from health to beauty. Due to the medicinal properties present in it, it has the potential to remove many skin problems. If you also want to beat your skin problems naturally, then take the help of these face packs made with Amla and then see amazing

If Skin Blemish

Amla can be used to remove skin blemish. For this, you take three tablespoons of amla powder, mix one teaspoon turmeric and two tablespoons lemon juice and mix and make a fine paste. Now apply it on your face and leave it for 15–20 minutes. Finally, clean up for the skin with the help of water. You can use this pack once a week.

Pure colour

If you want to lighten and brighten your skin, then amla can help you in that too. To make this face pack, mix two tablespoons of amla juice with a spoon of honey and papaya mash it. Now make a fine paste and apply it on the face. You apply this paste continuously for a few days and then you will see a lot of glow in your face.

Oily skin problems

Oily skin has a lot of problems during the summer season. Excess oil from the face promotes pimples etc. In such a situation, with the help of Amla, you can take good care of your skin. For this, in a bowl, mix two rose spoons of amla powder with rose water. You can apply this pack twice a week. This pack will help reduce oily pores in the skin and give you glowing skin.

Remove dead skin

Dead skin cells accumulate on everyone's skin in a few days, which makes the skin look dull and lifeless. In this case, you can use it as an excellent scrub. Mix two tablespoons of amla powder, one tablespoon lemon juice and one teaspoon sugar. Now apply this mixture on the face and scrub with light hands. This removes all impurities in the face. You can use this scrub twice a week.

Amla face pack for glowing skin


1.Some pieces of papaya
2.Amla powder
3.Method of preparation and application

4. Prepare a face pack by mixing amla powder and a few pieces of papaya.
Wash your face thoroughly before applying this face pack.
Then apply a face pack and let it dry.
When the face pack dries, wash the face thoroughly.
You can apply this face pack once or twice a week.

How beneficial?

Amla higher in vitamin C and other nutrients. These nutrients make your skin glow and face blossom. Apart from this face pack, you could also make a face pack of Amla juice. All you have to do is to keep the juice of gooseberry for a while and then wash it with water. This will gradually cause a natural glow on your face.

Amla improves skin tone

Almost everyone wants to get a fair complexion. For this, people get different types of creams and treatments, which sometimes have a bad effect on the skin. In such a situation, the use of gooseberry will naturally change the colour of your skin, as well as the skin, will glow.

Amla face pack to improve skin tone


1.Amla paste
2.Honey a spoon
3.Half papaya
4.Method of preparation and application

● Mash some pieces of papaya well.
● Now mix half or one teaspoon amla paste and half teaspoon honey in it.
● Mix it well and make a paste.
● Then apply this face mask on your face properly and allow it to dry for a while.
● After drying, wash it with lukewarm water.

How beneficial?

The antioxidants and vitamin C present in amla can help improve skin tone. At of the same times, papaya and honey hydrate the skin and retain moisture. Honey is very beneficial for your skin. This face pack will add a lot to your skin tone. If you do not like applying face pack or you are not getting time to apply face pack then you can also drink Amla and honey juice.

Pigmentation is less than amla

Pigmentation causes stains and patches on the face. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to this while on time, for this you can adopt home remedies and in this problem, amla can prove to be very effective. Below we are telling Amla face pack for all skin types, which can reduce the problem of pigmentation to some extent.

Gooseberry face pack for dry to normal skin


1.One spoon Amla powder
2.One spoon tamarind paste
3.Method of preparation and application

4. Mix one spoon tamarind paste in one teaspoon of gooseberry powder.
Take the quantity of material according to your need.
Now massage your face lightly with this paste.
Then wash it with water after 10 minutes.
It works like a scrub and you can apply it once a week.
Amla face pack for dry skin


1.One teaspoon Amla powder
2.An avocado
3.Method of preparation and application

Make a paste by mixing one teaspoon of gooseberry powder in water.
Now add two teaspoons of avocado pulp ie avocado anal
Then the make of a good paste and apply this pack on your face.
After 10 minutes, wash it with lukewarm water.
If you have dryers skin, you can apply this face pack once or twice a week.
Face pack for dry and oily skin


1.One spoon amla paste
2.A spoonful of honey
3.Two teaspoons curd
4.Method of preparation and application

5. Prepared a the face pack by mixing curd, amla and honey.
6. Then apply this face pack on the face and let it dry for 15 minutes and then wash it off with water.
You can apply this face pack once a week.
You have come to know the benefits of amla for health and skin, now is the time to know the benefits of amla for hair.

1. Gooseberry for sore throat

With the changes season, diseases continue, sometimes fever and sometimes cold and cough. If you're also troubled by pharyngitis, Amla can convince be an efficient home remedy. You can consume Amla juice by making a decoction. Like amla, amla juice also has its benefits. Amla has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory properties, which may be helpful in fever or sore throat. Of course, no specific evidence has been revealed yet, but many people use Amla at the time of sore throat.


1.A cup of gooseberry juice
2.Finely chopped ginger
3.A spoonful of honey

5. Mix finely chopped ginger and one spoon of honey in amla juice.
Then drink it like syrup.

2. Gooseberry for heart

Due to today's unbalanced lifestyle, people have started gaining weight, which is causing high cholesterol and heart diseases. In this case, if you take amla, the risk of harmful cholesterol and heart diseases in the body is reduced. At the same time, it increases good cholesterol. Its intake also reduces the risk of heart diseases like atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

3. Amla intake in diabetes

There was a time when diabetes used to happen after age, but now it is not so. Diabetes can happen to anyone thanks to the unbalanced lifestyle nowadays. It is important that you simply concentrate on the present while on time. If someone has diabetes, they can consume Amla. Amla has anti-diabetic properties, which reduces the risk of diabetes. Also, diabetic patients consume amla, their blood glucose levels may decrease. It may also lower cholesterol levels in patients with diabetes. However, no concrete evidence has been revealed so far, but scientific research is going on on this subject.


1.Two teaspoon gooseberry juice
2.A pinch of turmeric

4. Make a mixture by mixing amla and 5.turmeric
6. Then take this mixture in the morning
7. This can balance your blood sugar level.

4. prevents the effect of increasing age

Amla has anti-oxidant properties] which can prevent cells from getting damaged to some extent. It can reduce the effect of increasing age by controlling the effect of free radicals. If amla and turmeric are consumed together, the effect of increasing age is less, as both of them have many medicinal properties.

5. Frequent urination activity increases

Due to not taking the right diet or not having the right lifestyle, toxins start accumulating in the body, which needs to be released. For this, your body needs to detoxify. Amla has diuretic properties, so consuming it may make you feel the need to urinate frequently. By consuming this, your body detoxifies and therefore the toxins of your body are released through urine.

6. Amla for digestion

Due to busy life, people don't concentrate on their food and drink, thanks to which the gastrointestinal system gets spoiled. Sometimes, serious stomach diseases also occur. In such a situation, some people become medicines etc., which may have side effects. Amla is the only remedy for all these problems. Amla has fibre and has anti-inflammatory properties, which may prove beneficial for digestion. Amla can reduce ulcers, gastric and digestive problems.

7. Amla increases immunity

Some people have poor immunity, so with the changing season, they get cold, cough and fever. In such a situation, if amla is consumed, the disease resistance improves to a great extent. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and many other properties present in amla can increase the body's immunity. Vitamin C presenting in it can help the body to fight against diseases.

8. Gooseberry strengthens bones

Our bones begin to weaken with increasing age. In such a situation, it's important to concentrate on the present in time, alternatively, a significant problem like arthritis can occur later. Many times, thanks to lack of essential nutrients, problems associated with bones start. In such a situation, home remedies should be tried before medicines are made and Amla is the easiest home remedy. Amla has anti-inflammatory properties. Also, it contains vitamin-C, which can relieve the discomfort of your bones. Try to include Amla juice or a little Gooseberry in your diet every day. This will strengthen the bones and may reduce the risk of bone disease.

9. Amla increases eyesight

We spend more time in front of the computer, TV and mobile, the result is that our eyesight starts getting weaker. Apart from this, at times, due to dust and soil pollution, eye infections, watering, irritation problems and many other problems start, which need to be treated while on time. In such a situation, if amla is included in its diet every day, then not only will the eyesight be sharp, but the risk of eye infection will also be reduced.

10. Gooseberry eliminates the stone problem

Kidney stones in the kidney are very painful and if left untreated, it can also threaten the life of the patient. Medications are necessary for the problem of stones, but taking amla juice with it can also provide relief. Sometimes doctors also recommend drinking Amla juice.

11. Amla reduces obesity

When obesity increased, diseases in the body also increase. In such a situation, it is important to keep the weight balanced. Exercise is necessary for this, as well as correct eating is also necessary. If you consume amla or gooseberry juice every day, you can get rid of the obesity problem to a great extent. Amla is a storehouse of nutrients and is also anti-obese. Also, it increases metabolism, which can help reduce weight. By consuming this, the stomach feels full for a long time, due to which there is no desire to eat more and the risk of weight gain is also reduced.

12. Amla is anti-inflammatory

Amla has many nutrients and properties and one of those properties is anti-inflammatory properties. Due to that's, any type of stomach problem, swelling or another discomfort can be relieved to a great extent.

13. Increases metabolism

Amla is the richest in protein, which increases the activity of metabolism. It's metabolism, which causes weight gain due to slowing down. At the same time, the intake of amla increases the activity of metabolism and it can balance your weight. Especially in diabetes, it reduces oxidative stress and improves metabolism.

14. Amla cleans blood

Due to impurities in the blood, many times its effect starts appearing on your body and skin such as pimples, facial spots, fatigue, weakness, weakness and stomach problems. In such a situation, you must adopt the right food. You can add Amla or Amla juice to your diet daily to cleanse the impurities of the blood. Amla has many other nutrients besides antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, which can help remove impurities in your blood.

15. Amla intake for liver

Many diseases related to the liver are caused by incorrect eating. In such a situation, you must include some healthy things in your diet every day and one of these healthy things is amla. Eat amlas and amlas juice your stomach, digestive power and liver problems can be reduced to a great extent. Must problems such as gas, jaundice or diarrhoea can be reduced by taking amla.

16. Amla protects against cancer

Cancer is also becoming a common disease nowadays. Who can not tell when cancer occurs. In such a situation, you must take special care of your food and drink. Include amla in your diet, it may reduce the risk of cancer to some extent. Amla has anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties. You can consume gooseberry pickle or similar gooseberry every day. There are also benefits of Amla juice, so you can consume it in a limited quantity.

Benefits of Indian gooseberry

Due to excessive shampooing, pollution and taking various types of hair treatment, hair starts to become dry and lifeless and quickly fall. In such situations, home remedies can prove very beneficial. Amla is one of these home remedies.

Note: You should be taken the quantity of material as per your requirement. Apart from this, if you are sensitive and allergic to anything, then consult your doctor before using amla. Also, before using any face pack, do a patch test ie apply it on the skin of your hand and if you feel itchy or irritated, then wash it immediately.

1. Amla for hair growth

1.Two teaspoons amla powder
2.Two teaspoons coconut or olive oil
3.Method of preparation and application

Heat the oil in a pan and add two teaspoons of amla powder to it.
Heat this oil until it turns brown.
Then let it cool down and when the powder dissolves in it, take out the oil in a bowl.
When the oil is lukewarm, massage your scalp and hair with light hands for 10 to 15 minutes.
When the oil is fully applied to your hair, leave it on for half an hour.
After half an hour wash your hair with a shampoo that does not contain sulfate (such shampoos are available in the market and online)
You can do this process twice a week.
Gooseberry Hair Pack

If you do not want to use oil, you can also apply the Amla hair mask.


1.Two teaspoons amla powder
2. Two teaspoons shikakai powder
3. You can also put it
5.Method of preparation and application

Make a paste by mixing amla, shikakai powder and water in a bowl.
Now applying for this paste all over your hair and let it dry for some time.
Then wash the hair with cold water.
Shikakai cleans your hair like shampoo, so no other shampoos are needed.
You can apply it once a week.
How beneficial?

If you have problems with hair loss, then this hair mask can be quite beneficial. Amla gives moisture to hair and scalp and can help hair grow. On the other hand, Shikakai cleans your scalp and makes hair soft. You can also use Amla oil every day.

2. Gooseberry hair mask for white hair

It is normal to have white hair with age, but sometimes some people start having problems with white hair at an early age. In this case, the gooseberry hair mask can prove to be quite beneficial.

Amla and Mehndi Hair Mask


1.One cup mehndi paste (you can use mehndi leaves or mehndi powder to make a paste)
2.Three teaspoons amla powder
A spoonful of coffee powder
4.Brush (to apply)
6.Method of preparation and application

Mixed of all the ingredients in a plastic medium-size bowl and make a paste.
If it is the paste looks too thick, then add more water to it, but make sure that the paste is not too thin.
Wearing gloves in your hands, so that the paste does not stick in your hands.
Then apply this paste to the hair with a brush.
Apply a paste and let it dry thoroughly.
Wash it with shampoo after drying, try to use shampoo without sulfate.
You can apply for this hair mask once a month.
How beneficial?

Amla and henna will add colour to your hair in a natural way. Also, it will make your hair soft and beautiful.

3. Gooseberry for lice

If you or someone in your home has lice in your hair, then gooseberry can prove to be beneficial. You keep the gooseberry in water overnight. Next day mash it well and make it foam like soap. Now use this paste to wash hair. This can relieve you from lice. The uses of the gooseberry will retain moisture in the hair and the problem of dandruff will also be reduced to some extent.

Note: If you are the have any itching or burning sensation in the scalp by applying any gooseberry hair mask, wash it immediately, because if the gooseberry suits someone else, it suits you too. Also, if you are allergic to any of the above ingredients, do not use those ingredients, because not every person has the same skin.

Use of Amla -

After knowing the benefits of Amla and the medicinal properties of Amla, it is also important to know when and how much to consume Amla. However, the consumption of gooseberry can be different for different people, because it depends on the person's body and how they are consumed, who wants to consume the gooseberry.

1.  Amla juice or juice - Amla juice has its benefits in some problems. Indian gooseberry is cold, so it is beneficial in digestive or stomach problems. You can add amla juice to your daily routine before or after every day. You can make juice by grinding small pieces of amla with water and drink it in the morning or evening. The benefits of Amla juice are many, so include it in your diet.

2.  Gooseberry jams - Gooseberry jam is easily available in the market. You can also eat a gooseberry jam. Every day you can eat one or two pieces of gooseberry marmalade.

3. Amla powder - If you do not like Amla juice, you can make it by making Amla powder or powder. You can make gooseberry powder at home too, you can dry it in sunlight and grind it. You will get amla powder easily in the market.
Apart from this, if you wish, you can add raw pieces of gooseberry or pickle of gooseberry in your diet.


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